LWPR_Model Struct Reference
[LWPR library (the low level C implementation)]

Main data structure for describing an LWPR model. More...

#include <lwpr.h>

Data Fields

int nIn
 Number N of input dimensions.
int nInStore
 Storage-size of any N-vector, for aligment purposes.
int nOut
 Number M of output dimensions.
int n_data
 Number of training data the model has seen.
double * mean_x
 Mean of all training data the model has seen (Nx1).
double * var_x
 Mean of all training data the model has seen (Nx1).
char * name
 An optional description of the model (Mx1).
int diag_only
 Flag that determines whether distance matrices are handled as diagonal-only.
int meta
 Flag that determines wheter 2nd order updates to LWPR_ReceptiveField.M are computed.
double meta_rate
 Learning rate for 2nd order updates.
double penalty
 Penalty factor used within distance metric updates.
double * init_alpha
 Initial learning rate for 2nd order distance metric updates (NxN).
double * norm_in
 Input normalisation (Nx1). Adjust this to the expected variation of your data.
double * norm_out
 Output normalisation. Adjust this to the expected variation of your output data.
double * init_D
 Initial distance metric (NxN). This often requires some tuning (NxN).
double * init_M
 Cholesky factorisation of LWPR_Model.init_D (NxN).
double w_gen
 Threshold that determines the minimum activation before a new RF is created.
double w_prune
 Threshold that determines above which (second highest) activation a RF is pruned.
double init_lambda
 Initial forgetting factor.
double final_lambda
 Final forgetting factor.
double tau_lambda
 This parameter describes the annealing schedule of the forgetting factor.
double init_S2
 Initial value for sufficient statistics LWPR_ReceptiveField.SSs2.
double add_threshold
 Threshold that determines when a new PLS regression axis is added.
LWPR_Kernel kernel
 Describes which kernel function is used (Gaussian or BiSquare).
int update_D
 Flag that determines whether distance metric updates are performed (default: 1).
 Array of SubModels, one for each output dimension.
struct LWPR_Workspacews
 Array of Workspaces, one for each thread (cf. LWPR_NUM_THREADS).
double * storage
 Pointer to allocated memory. Do not touch.
double * xn
 Used to hold a normalised input vector (Nx1).
double * yn
 Used to hold a normalised output vector (Nx1).
int isPersistent
 MEX-specific flag which determines whether this LWPR_Model is persistent.

Detailed Description

Main data structure for describing an LWPR model.

This structure contains flags and initial values that determine the behaviour of the LWPR algorithm, and also provides some statistics about the model.

It should always be initialised with lwpr_init_model, and destroyed with lwpr_free_model. Note that both functions do not allocate/free the space for the LWPR_Model itself.

Field Documentation

MEX-specific flag which determines whether this LWPR_Model is persistent.

This variable is only included in the LWPR_Model structure if the library is compiled with the directive MATLAB (i.e. for MEX-file usage). In that case, isPersistent=1 indicates that the LWPR model should be protected from automatic memory cleanups as performed by MATLAB.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Feb 9 08:18:36 2012 for LWPR Library by  doxygen 1.6.3