LWPR_ReceptiveFieldObject Class Reference
[C++ wrapper around the LWPR library]

Thin wrapper class for inspecting a receptive field. You can only create an object of this class by a call to LWPR_Object::getRF() All methods of this class leave the underlying receptive field unchanged. More...

#include <lwpr.hh>

Public Member Functions

int nReg () const
 Returns the number of PLS regression directions.
doubleVec meanX () const
 Returns the weighted mean of the input data, as seen by the receptive field (nIn).
doubleVec varX () const
 Returns the weighted variance of the input data, as seen by the receptive field (nIn).
doubleVec center () const
 Returns the center vector of the receptive field (nIn).
bool trustworthy () const
 Returns whether this receptive field is trustworthy (has seen sufficient data).
std::vector< doubleVecD () const
 Returns the distance metric of the receptive field, as a vector of vectors (nIn x nIn).
std::vector< doubleVecM () const
 Returns the Cholesky decomposition of the RF's distance metric. The result is a vector of vectors with varying length (simulating a triagonal matrix).
std::vector< doubleVecU () const
 Returns the PLS regression directions as a vector of vectors (nReg x nIn).
std::vector< doubleVecP () const
 Returns the PLS projections as a vector of vectors (nReg x nIn).
double beta0 () const
 Returns the offset (intercept) of the local model.
doubleVec beta () const
 Returns the PLS regression coefficients of the local model (nReg).
doubleVec numData () const
 Returns the weighted number of training data the RF has seen (nReg).
doubleVec slope () const
 Returns the slope of the local model (simulating ordinary linear regression) (nIn).

Private Member Functions

 LWPR_ReceptiveFieldObject (LWPR_ReceptiveField *rf)
 Private constructor, gets called by LWPR_Object::getRF().

Private Attributes

const LWPR_ReceptiveFieldRF
 Pointer to the underlying C structure.
int nIn
 Number of input dimensions.
int nInS
 Stride parameter (LWPR_Model::nInStore).


class LWPR_Object

Detailed Description

Thin wrapper class for inspecting a receptive field. You can only create an object of this class by a call to LWPR_Object::getRF() All methods of this class leave the underlying receptive field unchanged.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Feb 9 08:18:36 2012 for LWPR Library by  doxygen 1.6.3