LWPR_ThreadData Struct Reference

Data structure that is passed to each thread for updates or predictions. More...

#include <lwpr_aux.h>

Data Fields

const LWPR_Modelmodel
 Pointer to the LWPR_Model.
 Pointer to the thread's LWPR_Workspace (working memory).
const double * xn
 Normalised input vector (Nx1).
int dim
 Currently handled output dimension.
double yn
 Normalised output, dim-th element of normalised output vector.
double cutoff
 Threshold determining the minimal activation for updating a RF.
double w_max
 Largest activation encountered in this thread.
double w_sec
 Second largest activation encountered in this thread.
double sum_w
 Sum of activations.
double yp
 Sum of un-normalised predictions of the RFs handled by this thread.
int start
 Index of first LWPR_ReceptiveField this thread should handle.
int incr
 Increment for RF index, for splitting up a series of RFs among threads.
int end
 Upper bound for RF index this thread should handle.
int ind_max
 Index of RF with largest activation.
int ind_sec
 Index of RF with second largest activation.

Detailed Description

Data structure that is passed to each thread for updates or predictions.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Feb 9 08:18:36 2012 for LWPR Library by  doxygen 1.6.3